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Designer Bouquet

Designer Bouquet

PriceFrom AU$85.00

“Designer Bouquet” is a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers put together for you as a hand tied bouquet. The colours and flowers used are at the discretion of the florist, if you have any special request please put them in the notes.


You will receive flowers to value, using flowers of the florists choice, unless you otherwise specify in the options. Images pictured are examples of possible combinations, pictured is deluxe size.


    Please note our Local Delivery option is only available to the following suburbs.

    • Banora Point
    • Bilinga
    • Burleigh Heads
    • Burleigh Waters
    • Coolangatta
    • Currumbin
    • Currumbin Waters
    • Currumbin Valley
    • Elanora
    • Kirra
    • Mermaid Waters
    • Miami
    • Mudgeeraba
    • Palm Beach
    • Rainbow Bay
    • Reedy Creek 
    • Robina
    • Tugun
    • Tallebudgera
    • Tallebudgera Valley 
    • The Pines
    • Tweed Heads 
    • Tweed Heads West & South 
    • Varsity Lakes

    For any areas not listed, please call 07 5521 0028 for a delivery quote, prior to placing your order. 


    We will always endeavour to follow your preferred colour preference as stated in the description, though flowers & colours used depends on the flowers we have available in store so customisation is limited.


    If we don't have the preferred colour in stock we will use the closest colour available, and coordinate with your card message. As each arrangement is unique so there will be variations in the final look.


    If you have a strict second preference or something you definitely don't want you can let us know in the special instructions box at checkout. Alternatively, you can give us a call and discuss your preference after you have placed your order


    Wine, chocolates & balloons chosen are up to the florist’s discretion.


    You will receive products to value and no brand in particular unless specified on check out.


    For chocolates we tend to stick to the Lindor range, with wine and chocolates wrapped individually.


    Balloons will be chosen to coordinate with flower choice and occasion. If the occasion isn't apparent you will be contacted, otherwise you can leave us instructions upon checkout.

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